Things To Do After Removing Your Weave
There are some things that you must do right after your hair is weave-free. It can be tempting to want to put a new weave in right away, but it is important to do these 5 things to ensure your hair will remain healthy enough to sport another weave when it’s time.
Detangle Your Hair With Your Fingers
Gently work through your tresses with your fingers. Follow up with a wide-tooth comb for knots that are too difficult to remove with your fingers. Don’t be alarmed by the amount of shedding hair. You don’t have to remove every knot at this point – a good shampoo and conditioning session will work out all of the tangles.
Detangle Your Hair With A Conditioner
Shampoo your hair and then apply a generous amount of a moisturizing conditioner. Use a wide-tooth comb to gently work your way through your hair. Begin combing through the bottom of your hair first, and slowly work your way up to your scalp. Keep combing slowly until all of the tangles have been removed. After that, rinse your hair completely.
Deep Condition
To restore your hair to its optimal moisture level, you should deep condition your hair using a deep conditioner that is formulated for dry hair. Leave the deep conditioner on for the recommended time, as the directions suggest. Rinse your hair thoroughly.
Trim Your Ends
Your ends are well protected when in extensions, but there may be some ends that are dry due to lack of moisture. The best way to prevent breakage and splitting of the ends is to trim your ends. You could do this yourself, or visit a stylist for this purpose.
Let Your Hair Rest
Let your scalp relax and breathe. Don’t put in a new weave immediately, as the scalp has already endured some stress due to the weight of the extensions. Find a style you can rock for the next couple of weeks – one that is free from chemicals and weaves.
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